Thursday, June 16, 2011

Something besides a bar opens on upper Avenue A

Hey, a new barbershop opened here between 13th Street and 14th Street... What was this, the massage place that moved across the street? Anyway, always nice to see regular old businesses open...


  1. I know you generally tend to point out all the negatives going on in our hood BUT two new stores opened up on 7th btwn 1st & A.

    In the space where Outlet 7 closed (which I'm still shocked you never mentioned) there is a cute vintage shop that had an opening party on Sunday.

    And on the other side of the entrance is a small jewelry/accessory store, former home of Sophie Roan.

    Anyways - some good news to report.

  2. Very nice. I wish the barbers good luck and good business.

  3. Nice butterfly on my front door.

  4. Nice. Also, the Juice Press should be opening this week on 10th between A and 1st.

  5. juice press is a good thing, let's hope they do not charge west of 1st prices.......

  6. i find the juice press to be douchey, the one on first has a snotty staff and patrons and the juice and raw food are expensive.

    i like the barber shop on A best wishes to them!


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