Sunday, June 19, 2011

A 'tragic theft'

Several readers pointed out these stolen bike flyers that appeared starting late last week... we spotted this one on Second Avenue near Third Street...


  1. We can deter bike theft. Get yourself multiple Kryptonite locks and lock that thing down. Sad that we have to resort to such measures (my locks are worth about as much as my bike at this point) but it is satisfying to not give satisfaction to bike thieves.

  2. For some reason, the common "loose/loosing" typo (which should be "lose/losing") makes me insane. If you are "loosing" your mind, your brain is in the process of falling out of your cranium, which is a FAR bigger problem than LOSING a bike.

    But I do hope you find your bicycle!

  3. To Anonymous 3:10PM

    This is exactly the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night.

  4. Though I despise bike thievery, I find it difficult to muster much sympathy for the loose-minded Jessica. Maybe it's the gratuitous bit about the painting that "took 9 months".

    Spend less time establishing your boho cred on street poles, Jessica, and more time safeguarding your bike.

  5. i don't leave my bike ANYWHERE anymore.

  6. OBVIOUSLY has not live in NYC too long.

    if she spent those 9 months working a paying job instead of painting a bartering tool, she would have had enough money to buy 10 bikes! :)

  7. @anon 11:40

    Would you have preferred her to be a trust fund baby who bought the bike with daddy's funds? I think the painting backstory was to establish the emotional connection to the bike/sympathy rather than some sort of bizarre externalization of bohemian identity. I for one don't despise every single person that I perceive to be slightly different than the rigid, external-appearance-defined identity rules articulated by cormudgeons half of whom don't even live in the neighborhood or whose "historical ties" are moving here from the 'burbs 30 years ago cause they were enamored with the "gritty" scene (not saying this applies to you in particular - I have no idea, just a general phenomenon), and therefore Jessica, I hope you find your bike.

  8. I witnessed bike theft on that block a few weeks ago. Stared the guy down while calling the police. He ran into a building and I lost him before the police arrived. I found a patrol car and pointed to where the theft took place and the car they were putting the bikes in. Police did not seem interested.

    If anyone sees a red jeep circa 1990, that guy is hauling the bikes away while a tall man with shoulder length hair is cutting the chains. If anyone sees them, call the police!


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