Wednesday, July 13, 2011

East Village skies, during and after the rain tonight

Photos by Bobby Williams.


  1. Did you see the rainbow over 6th St last night? I followed it and it ended at McDonalds on 1st Ave, couldn't find a pot o' gold tho. My digital camera doesn't like photographing rainbows, though.

  2. man, bobby williams is all over the place: he's up there; down; sides...

    he's like the force of the east village -- he surrounds the east village and penetrates it. he binds the ev together.

    he better not succumbed to the dark side...

  3. There was an amazing rainbow too - a double - but the second one was less spectacular than the first. Unfortunately, I was in a car on the FDR so my shots aren't so great. (They're still on the camera.) I heard it was quite a storm though. There were a lot of willow branches down on my street.


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