Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jane's Sweet Buns opens today at 2 on St. Mark's Place; features 'pastries inspired by cocktails'

As we first reported two weeks ago, a bakery is opening on St. Mark's Place in the former De La Vega Museum space.

In what seems fitting for a neighborhood overrun with bars, the bakery — Jane's Sweet Buns — will feature alcohol-laden desserts.

Jenny Miller at Grub Street had the details in a post yesterday. The buns, cakes and pies are courtesy of Cienfuegos mixologist Jane Danger and owner Ravi DeRossi. Per Grub Street: "Swashbuckling types might enjoy the Rum Runner (a bun glazed in aged rum, Galliano liqueur, cinnamon, and other good stuff), while manly sorts can try the savory Southern Special (Bourbon, bacon, brown sugar, nectarine, white cheddar)."

Grub Street notes they will also sell non-alcohol desserts. Grub Street also has the menu. Sorry, no bread.

The sign on the door states they'll open today at 2.


  1. Why do all these EV food noobs have to add alcohol (and bacon) to nearly every single thing they sell/consume? I'm sure they see their menus as very edgy and cool but all I think of is Guy Fieri without the dirty wristbands and backwards sunglasses.

    That's an extremely pretty storefront, though.

  2. Why can't we just have something that isn't a pretentious piece of yunnie (thank you, Jeremiah!) crap? Like a decent, non-designer pizzeria or diner or something. I'm so sick of these tarted-up invader places. They're like urban kudzu.

  3. i am quite sure i will never visit this establishment.
    now, maybe if they sold fresh bread at a good price for people who actually live here...

  4. those chairs look like the sort the crustys would tie there dogs to while they check there i phones and have a latte GIVE US A BREAK

  5. I give it 6 months or until the lease expires.. I mean... WOW HOW CUTE AND FUN.

  6. I dropped in to see the place. I met the owner who is very nice. The sweet buns are $5.00--a bit steep for me.

  7. yes they are pricey. but so is everything else these days. a trip to any supermarket confirms that.

    outside of podunk (5th street) we don't have a lot of small bakeries and i don't hear anybody complaining about podunk's prices.
    jane's ingredients are fresh and most of the servings are fairly large.

    i would prefer that the sticky buns had been baked a little longer but they were very tasty. i will slice it and toast it.

    not to worry about the alcohol, it evaporates when cooked.

    this could have been another chain store owned by somebody that doesn't give a damn about anything but $$s. the folks here are very nice and i wish them success.

  8. I'm sure her sweet buns are good and worth $5. But $5 a bun -- like a $4 cupcake -- would be a splurge for me. For the same $5, I'd rather get 16 Devil Dogs or 2 loaves of Entenmann's Butter Loaf pound cake on sale.

  9. Did the Beauty Bar people do the ads?


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