Monday, August 22, 2011

And now, Ryan Gosling helping break up a fight on Astor Place

Well, the last time we saw Ryan Gosling around here, he was helping move furniture on Seventh Street... And now, in this video making the rounds this afternoon (thanks to RyanAvenueA for sending us the link from Jezebel), watch the Oscar nominee break up some sort of skirmish on Astor Place during the weekend... he appears at about the 30-second mark...

Suppose they were fighting about the new Astor Place design?


  1. Good for him for stepping in. Too bad he wasn't there when Gavin DeGraw was attacked...

  2. That was pretty cool. Too bad he couldn't save his movie marriage to Michelle Williams, though.

  3. Ditto cool. And a striped tank top! I knew that they would come back.

  4. I think they were fighting over which falafel stand was better.

    Ben Ruhle

  5. wow, those girls make me embarrassed to be a human. SQUEAL SQUEAL. He in duh movies. For real? yes, dat him! SQUEAL SQUEAL SQUEAL!

    Morons who interfere in street fights are looking for permanent scarring to the face.

  6. Don't think it's real owing to the absence of zipties. Wasn't this supposed to be take 8/20? Ha.

  7. Nice of those bitches to watch and laugh as another person gets beat up.

  8. @nygrump - Did you watch that fight before Ryan Gosling stepped in? It wasn't much of a fight and he did the right thing. Just by stepping in he ended the nonsense. It was never a "fight".

  9. Its really unclear whats going on, did the guy with the canvas bump the other person? When you step into a fight you just never know how you'll be received. What if the guy had pulled out a box cutter and just cut the heart throb across the face?


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