Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Giuseppi Logan, back in Tompkins Square Park

We can't remember the last time that we saw — or heard — Giuseppi Logan in Tompkins Square Park. He has, of course, been a fixture in the Park for years. There was a rumor that he had passed away, though no one could confirm this.

Turns out that he was in the hospital with hip problems, and he made his way back to his usual bench this past weekend. Bobby Williams caught up with him yesterday.

Here's more on the legendary jazz musician's past via WFMU. WFMU also posted this incredible video of Giuseppi and his son from Tompkins Square Park circa 1966 (I know that I've posted this video before, but it seemed fitting now...)


  1. That's good news. Thanks for re-posting the video - I really enjoyed watching it again.

  2. That was a lovely video, thank you. Nice to see that all the old-timer talent hasn't been driven out entirely yet.

  3. Stay healthy, sir, and keep the musical faith!

    - East Villager


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