Wednesday, August 10, 2011

[Updated] Sidewalk's bar and music venue is opening tonight; full service on Monday

Several tipsters have said the under-renovation Sidewalk on Avenue A at Sixth Street is having a soft-launch reopening tonight... We've heard nothing official. The Sidewalk's new publicist hasn't responded to a query on the topic.

Per Sidewalk's publicist: "The bar & music venue is reopening this evening and will serve food from a very limited appetizer menu. Full service should be starting Monday."

Meanwhile! EV Grieve reader Nat Esten noted the work inside the new bar area last night...

Bob Arihood has a look inside too. Look here.

And this morning...



  1. I will keep going only if the frozen pink margarita machine is still active.

  2. @anon 7:59AM..I remember the frozen pink margarita machine too. It rocked!!Hope it is still on hand too. But I think that trend was very 1980's. Bring it back. Some things are worth resurrecting!!

  3. I went last night and the manager told me the pink margaritas will be back. He seemed open to menu suggestions, so if you had a favorite dish that is no longer on the menu, do tell him.


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