Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Meanwhile, in the First Avenue bike lane

EV Grieve reader Steve Carter notes this at First Street this afternoon.


  1. I hate when bikes come out of nowhere and almost hit me as much as the next guy, but non-bikes in these lanes is getting out of hand. On first and second between 10th and 14th I see cars, people etc in them every morning on my way to work. The police need to start issuing tickets or something.

  2. Where's that guy who crashes his bike into bike lane obstructions when you need him?

  3. It could be worse.

    The biggest problem with this, though, is that literally no one takes ownership of the task of keeping the lanes clear. So whether there's someone standing with one leg in the lane, or if there's three garbage trucks parked like a barricade, there's no one who uses official authority to inform, penalize or remove any offenders. To that extent, who would tell this lady to move her cart? Not the cops; they have no interest in this, they're too busy trying to figure out who crossed the red light at 5th Street while the intersection was deserted. Anyway, if you fix THAT problem, you'll fix this one too. (Poor lady isn't trying to hurt anyone, and there's enough clearance to get around, but this is just asinine)

  4. @13thandAveA said

    Bikes don't "come out of nowhere". It just seems that way 'cause you're walking down the street staring at a mobile keyboard.

  5. I gotta say I ride my bike a lot and I like the bike lanes, but I like to think of them as the same as car lanes, at the side of the road... meaning, no matter what, it's still the side of the road, so shit goes on, whether that was a car lane or a bike lane, shit goes on. It's crazy to think of it as a barrier, and not practical or fair. AM I not allowed to skateboard in it? Fuck outta here, son.

  6. What's most frustrating are the people who can't apply deductive reasoning to figure out that that is a traffic lane, not an extension of the sidewalk. Ok, if you are new to the area fine, I understand if you don't understand at first, but eventually you ought to grow a brain. See bikes rolling down the lane, then do the math. It's a lane designated for bike traffic.

  7. maybe she could've have been ticketed if she were wearing short skirts (not that she is biking, but she is in the bike lanes after all...)

  8. Sorry, but this woman is a moron well meaning or not. It is obvious she is in the bike lane. There is no reason why she can't have that car on the sidewalk. She should be fined.

  9. It's over Johnny. It's over!

  10. I bet that this is also an illegal pushcart- it is virtually impossible to get a new food cart license in Manhattan...

  11. There's always the bus lane on First Ave, too.

  12. I hate those mexican food cart things? What the hell does she sell anyway?


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