Sunday, August 28, 2011

More storm damage

Second Avenue near Fourth Street.


  1. Noooo!

    I hope everyone is ok this morning. Er, afternoon.

  2. As of 1:35pm, Olek cart has been righted!

  3. Irene coulda had class. Irene coulda been a contender. Irene coulda been somebody, instead of a tropical storm, which is what she was, let's face it.

  4. The horror! I hope everyone has enough water to get though the day! If not, I've got urine on the boil over at my place!

  5. Marty, you can also use YOUR urine to fuel a Sterno stove if needed. I would walk over some Sterno fuel to you but I drank all of mine.

  6. @Crazy Eddie: Thanks for the tip and cheers! See you tonight!


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