Sunday, August 21, 2011

Noting some defensive rat tactics in Tompkins Square Park

A few items to note about the defensive tactics vs. the Tompkins Square Park rat population...

For starters, Park workers yesterday removed the decorative trash can wraps that prompted critter-friendly pile ups...



We also noticed the presence of a lone baiting station adjacent to the playground on Avenue A at Ninth Street...

There may be others, but we didn't spot them...

We previously noted the arrival of "feed a pigeon, breed a rat" signs ... Will any of this help head off another Media Ratstravaganza?


  1. I noticed a family of baby/juvenile+ adult rats coming out to feast the last few mornings at A and 9th near the playground (I haven't seen the trap). Is there any reason why someone can't pour rat poison into the dozens of rat holes along Ave A and then cover them up?

  2. The TSP Rats have been pretty cool about all this press so far. But these parent groups are starting to them a little angry. Word on the street is they're about to put the call in to this guy ...

  3. Rats > yuppies.
    perhaps we should invite more rates to the hood to ward off the more inherent danger at hand.

  4. Anon, they're not putting down poison b/c there's a protected hawk that landed in the park. As for the garbage can changes, it's not working. they need to remove the f'g bird and poison the rats. How in the hell am i paying city taxes for a f'g bird to live in my park.

  5. Who are the parent groups? I don't have a kid, but i'm happy to join up and help them, they need to get that bird out of the park.

  6. The answer is MORE red tailed hawks for the day shift in TSP not less. For the night shift, let’s get some owls. I fancy the Screech ones.


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