Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reminders: This weekend in Tompkins Square Park



  1. were havin a party were havin a party

  2. The music rocked today in TSP. Cool vibes. Posted photos today on my blog. Enjoy the weekend. Another concert tomorrow--TSP.

  3. A great time was had by ALL, as with every Riot Re-union in Tompkins Square Park. (I particularly LOVED the Bambi Killers!!)

    It's not that we're glorifying riots or what happened that fateful night on August 6, 1988, but we must NEVER forget and we must resolve to stay ACTIVE against police brutality, the evil forces of rampant real estate development of "luxury" housing and the onslaught of gentrification.

    23 years later, we're STILL Here and we're STILL going strong!!

  4. I think the concerts are great and hope they continue as I enjoy them. I just wish they would stimulate more activism and not just be about the music. Very few of the new people and bands except for old skool LES activists and David Peel attended the after show protest so in a way I think the concert organizers need to find and promote bands and people who want to do more than listen to music and follow the bands to a pay concert venue later.


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