Friday, August 19, 2011

Those persistent rumors about 74-76 Third Avenue and the future of Nevada Smith's

We've heard those rumors about Nevada Smith's relocating to a larger space for some time now. The rumors have picked up again with the recent arrival of the sidewalk shed in front of both Nevada Smith's and the former Yummy House location.

So far, nothing at the DOB suggests anything out of the ordinary.

Also, earlier this week, workers posted the Asbestos Abatement Notices — often a sign of an impending demolition.

Several former Nevada Smith's regulars claim that the celebrated soccer/football bar will close soon — possibly relocating. There has been some turmoil within the bar in recent years. After a closure for alleged underage drinking in March 2010, management fired two popular bartenders, which prompted a Facebook campaign.

One former regular explained that many of the major supporter clubs have moved on to other venues for the games, leaving behind some tourists and the newbie, throw-a-jersey-on-for-a-day types. Tonight, there is an "appreciation night" at the bar.

Meanwhile, given the proximity of this property — including the parking lot on the corner of East 12th Street that one tipster said has been sold to developers — NYU has been mentioned as the new landowner.

We checked in with James Devitt, deputy director for media relations at NYU, for comment.

"Completely false," he said via email about NYU buying the spaces.

As for Nevada Smith's, the future may be uncertain ... but maybe that's OK in the estimation of one former regular: "I have great memories of that place, but it can't and won't ever be re-created again, and to be honest — I don't want it to be."


  1. I have parked my car in that lot for 8 years, and was told last week that the lot is closing at the end of the month.

  2. You hate NYU because you went to some horrible state school in middle-America, right? Couldn't get in anyplace decent? If you had gone to a respectable school you may have learned how retarded it is to have a car in the E. Village and pay for parking for 8 yrs. Moron.

  3. I always thought the funk in there was rotting beer and left over vomit from the night before, but now I see it was just asbestos! Another pint please!

  4. I have lived in the East Village for 33 years, and I have never figured out. Who goes to NYU?

    The best I can think is that it's Plan B if you don't get into Columbia and have money and plan B+ if you and your parents live here and have a little money. And I guess top pick if you're an actor?

    Is that correct?

  5. @1219
    I pay for parking in the EV, cause I dont like parking my M3 on the street, and I hate NYU and went to a state school. Explain that one.

  6. There were a few buildings where the car park place is and the girls/whores of 3rd Ave always took me in for a quicky in the back hallway. Nice sex, I remember. But that was the late 60s-70s long before anyone's time here in this blog.

  7. not mine.- anon 12:37

    in fact, i was just talking about the hookers on 3 ave yesterday with my friend. we spoke about kamenstein's, the hookers, the pawnshops and that area was cleaned up not by the police but by the schools - cooper union and nyu.

    i still miss kamensteins. and there was the art store on 3 b/t smp and 9 - tay? i think.

  8. I went to and graduated from nyu. That's where I learned to love this neighborhood... what's left of it. And I'm probably pissed at them more than most folks here. So figure that into your "respectable" and "retarded" theory, Anon'.

  9. Yes, I recall Kamenstein's, they had loads of hammers and nails and whatever tool you might need. Was a great store for tools and paints. I remember an art store between 10th and 9th Sts but not the name. Also, my book "100 Whores" about the whores of 3rd Ave and 12th-14th Sts is available at the St Marks Bookshop or from Amazon

  10. A "Fan appreciation night" eh? Wow, if only they'd have bothered with stuff like that when the proper fans still drank there maybe we'd all still be there. I guess you don't realise how important your customers are until they up and leave in droves. I will miss Nevada's, I had some great times there.

  11. If Anon gets back to you tell him there's a blog about Kamenstein's Hardware

  12. Nevada Smith's was Jack Keane. Jack Keane pours pints at Legends 33.

  13. the parking lots came when the plan to up-zone third avenue failed and landlords felt they'd lost their chance at luxury housing. there was a lot of building abandonment at that time in preparation for the "new construction" that never happened. the mayor wanted a corridor from wall street to westchester.
    hudsons owned the entire block of third avenue, 12-13 streets (including the regina [we called it vagina] hotel).

  14. Nevada Smiths was the Football Supporters, not any particular bartender.

  15. Kieron will be bartending at Smithfields this fall in Midtown. THAT is where all proper football supporters will be going, not the restaurant masquerading as a football pub. Had a lot of great times at NS, shame the way the last couple of years played out..

  16. Nevadas was a hole i dreaded going to made tolerable only by jack+kieran (who knew how to take care of their non-manc supporting customers). without them, nevadas was just a bar -- a flatulent den for fratboys.

  17. I agree that the supporters made the old Nevada Smiths what it was, but Jack was one of the reasons the supporters of all those clubs made Nevada Smiths a home. He's at Legends now and the atmosphere is decent, but it's missing something because some clubs now watch their games elsewhere.

    This is just my opinion FWIW, but I think Nevada Smith's probably should close now. The memories will live on.


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