Saturday, August 20, 2011

Today in East River Park

Photos by Bobby Williams.


  1. Perhaps one day I'll find a publisher for my "East River Stories," about a young man taking a walk in the East River Park. God, what he finds there! It's been rejected countless times as too filthy, too dangerous, too risque. Bullshit, it was written for adults in an adult world, so what's the problem?

  2. East River Eel Pie
    Skin, clean, and cut up two East River eels wearing thick rubber gloves. Pass eels through a radiation chamber on a conveyor belt. Cook eels in a pan with a little butter, some mushrooms, parsley, and onion. Add some lemon rind, white wine and chicken stock to cover. Cook until the eels are tender and stop glowing. Thicken sauce with a little flour or cornstarch dissolved in water. Line a baking dish with pastry, put the eels in it, and pour the sauce over. Put sliced hard boiled eggs on top if desired. Cover with pastry, brush with yolk of egg, and bake for an hour at 350°. Serve either hot or cold.

  3. @Ken From Ken's Kitchen: Wonderful recipe! I find that eels, much like revenge, are a dish best served cold, so I'm glad you included that option!


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