Saturday, August 6, 2011

Today in Tompkins Square Park

At the Riot Reunion shows...

[Aaron Kay the "Pieman"]

All photos by Shawn Chittle.


  1. I have a crush on the little old dude with the green t-shirt and the beret. He is cute with his fist pumping in the air. I like seeing him and his pals still rockin the hood after all these years. My dad--retired and living the dull life in the 'burbs-- could learn a lesson from these guys. I hope I am out living life like these EV warriors are when I am their age.

  2. mr Penley, and crew this bud's for you.......

  3. Thanks guys! It was a lot of fun. Aaron, the pieman, was amazing, I could feel the spirit of the late 60's oozing out of his very being. It was surreal and spectacular.

    My only request is that they turn up the volume during spoken word stuff. NOT LOUD ENOUGH!

    The guy in the beret was named "Frenchie" by the NYPD during the riots.

    As usual many thanks to my man John Penley - "world's cuddliest anarchist"

  4. They're all cute. Wonder if they had some luck with the ladies at the show. Your never too old for luv. :)


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