Saturday, August 6, 2011

Today's sign of the apocalypse

From an alarmed reader ... spotted on East 10th Street near Second Avenue earlier today ... per the reader: "I can’t even begin to guess why they were dressed like this. Honestly, they all look like they went to boarding school in Connecticut. Why are these people even drawn to the East Village?"


  1. They were demonstrating the attire required to enter the BMW/Gug Lab...

  2. this is fucking AWFUL. just nauseating. honestly, this makes me sick, seeing assclowns like this in EV. go back to wherever you came from.

    two letters, two numbers: AK-47

  3. please tell me they were not part of the eat the rich demo or are they the new new group looking for mar's bar

  4. The Omegas: Conservative and upright, this militaristic gang represents the conformist / reactionary attitude of Americans in the 1950's and 60's. The leaders, Gregg and Niedermayer are pawns to Dean Wormer, who is trying to get the Deltas removed from the campus. This is a criticism of President Eisenhower, who used the NSC and FBI under J. Edgar Hoover (much like the character of Niedermayer) to do his bidding and remove any revolutionaries. The Omegas represent the extremes of the political right- absolute authoritarianism

  5. You get that this is a goof, right? Yes, a Preppie themed joke, but humor none the less. The fire extinguisher (alone) is a dead giveaway.

  6. Clearly this is a joke. Or some spoofy fashion shoot.

  7. It wasn't a photo shoot. I saw them, and they appeared to be going to some sort of party. They were standing on the sidewalk but asked a guy walking by to take their picture, then they got into the street for it. Obviously, they were trying to be funny, but they were all preppy, Wall Street guys. You can't fake the hair and teeth and general demeanor. :)

  8. "Honestly, they all look like they went to boarding school in Connecticut."

    wow. pretty fucking perceptive there.
    Think maybe that was their (joke's) point?

  9. They might have been doing to a frat reunion brunch. And, uh, don't ask me how I know that.

  10. They're just having fun, not everybody is a pessimistic New Yorker.

  11. Frat douches are welcome to have their fun...ELSEWHERE.

  12. i'd call this leisure slummin' (the latest internet craze after leisure diving

  13. Jocks v. Nerds writ large.


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