Wednesday, August 17, 2011

TV on the Radio on a billboard

[Photo by John Marshall Mantel]

Twitter was blowing up a little bit ago over the news of the TV on the Radio "pop-up" concert/Heineken Light commercial at Lafayette and Great Jones tonight at 8 ... Did they do their cover of "Mr. Grieves"?


  1. Henk Wijngaard might have been a better fit for Heineken Light. TV on the Radio's a little too Pabst-y.

  2. My friend texted me 15min before they went on, i popped outta the apt and walked over, they played 6 songs and sound was great, there were maybe 200-300 people on the sidewalks, the elevated scaffold/stage was on the NE corner of Great Jones/Lafayette, facing Great Jones. Only in NY.

    I'm still not going to drink Heineken Light though. Nice try.


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