Monday, October 10, 2011

Cowgirl's Baking has closed

We noticed that they hadn't been open lately here on East 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A ... Turns out that the vegan bakery-eatery closed after Sept. 27. They opened in March.

We sent them an email during the weekend to find out more. This is from one of their last tweets:

Anyone have more information about the closing?


  1. One down, eight hundred to go.

    Seriously -- I'm sorry these probably nice people had to close their business, but a novelty bakery in 2010 was a 10-years-too-late business plan and we don't need any more effing cupcakes in the modern world. And maybe next time invest in a real artist for your security gate.

  2. @8:43 - Agreed, except at least Cowgirl's was vegan, so it had a little something extra going for it.

    The cupcakes were great there, but the staff at that place was horrible. This doesn't surprise me at all.

  3. There were tons of horrible Yelp reviews at this place so I never gave it a try. (mostly complaining about the service, as mentioned by Anonymous @ 8:43) Hopefully the next tenant at this space is more successful.

  4. Seemed like nice folks but the menu was all over the place. Not a focused business. Would have loved to have read their business plan but I don't think they had one.

  5. I always found the people who worked there really nice-friendly and informed about vegan stuff. I ate one of their vegan fish tacos and it was pretty tasty. Will miss them--they had $3.00 special tacos.

  6. you just can't go up against the butterlane's delicious treats that are made with wholesome BUTTER.

  7. This place had tacos? I'm always late to the party.


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