Monday, October 3, 2011

Watch Agata Olek cover the Astor Place cube in yarn

This morning, we posted photos of the Astor Place Cube now covered in yarn courtesy of artist Agata Olek... Here she is in Astor Place. Photos by peter radley.

And here is the video of how she did this...


  1. she slays me. adore her.

    even as we lament the dullification of our ever-blandifying nabe, we must remember to be grateful that WE STILL HAVE OLEK!

  2. Love this. Honored to be a part of Olek's hood.

  3. It's already been cut down.

  4. i like her. she's kooky and ballsy. and, look, she smokes, too!

  5. I want her to yarn the empire state building. And make Donald trump a new hairpiece.


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