Monday, October 3, 2011

Yarn-hater de-yarns the Astor Place cube

That was sort of fast... a little bit ago some kind of worker started cutting off Agata Olek's latest yarn creation...

[Via @ArtObserved]

Booo! And here are some shots from earlier in the day by East Village resident Beep Iams (@beepiams) ...


  1. I'm glad I took a detour to take a look at the cube when I did today.

  2. Juicy Lucy Juice BarOctober 3, 2011 at 7:19 PM

    She better werk! Make sure to check out the vid of her covering the Wall Street bull. Love her!

  3. MY HERO! thank you! cover your own sh*t with yarn! leave our stuff alone!

  4. Only corporate approved shit is now allowed at Astor Place.

  5. same thing happened in 2005 when the cube was transformed into a rubik's cube, which only lasted for ~24 hours.

    they ought to remove those zip ties installation instead. then again, it's commissioned by nyc. i guess nobody better messes with bloomberg's bland new york.

  6. Ugh! We just can't have nice things.......

  7. i like the yarn better than the trash-bag ties.

    i guess the condo tower dwellers didn't like it and ordered it down, since they own Astor Place now.

  8. You know I really don't care for the yarn-on-bicycles or yarn on cast-iron-fence poles or yarn-on-shopping carts because it basically ends up looking like trash in seconds -- and I just happen to have a personal aversion to trash -- but I have to admit the cube totally lit up my morning!

    And the fun part is that you know it's not gonna last - it's time sensitive art, clearly. So. Don't blame the de-knitter.

  9. I love that last shot of the undulating yarny extravaganza.

    Why can't we just have FUN!

  10. We live under fascism, the time for fun is over. This kind of police state avante garde does not impress me. We're under attack.

  11. I cannot imagine how long it would take to crochet something so huge. I've been knitting the same sweater for almost a year. How does she do it!

  12. Leave the cube alone! I am tired of yarn everywhere.


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