Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another broken tree limb in Tompkins Square Park

We first noticed this broken limb in the middle of the Park on Friday...

Bobby Williams took these photos on Friday...

Dunno when it happened... the limb was intact when we looked at the new Steve Jobs Memorial Tree on Tuesday...



  1. Yeah. I saw a couple kids pulling / swinging on the branch, pre-break, while their asshole hipster dad stood around watching.
    It was a huge, downward arcing branch that had it's end tip positioned right above a huge mound of dirt left from the unearthing of the other tree that used to be next to it. Kids standing on the mound could (would) grab the end of the branch and swing on it.
    I just shrugged and said "well, that's the end of that branch".
    Must have been 30 arborists in that park the other week. Not one of them could see this (sigh)
    Par for the course in the most ill managed park in the most ill managed neighborhood in the city.

  2. Can we get a tree for the unsung heroes--ie Bob Arihood. I think this just makes sense. And also for the forgotten people who stood for something too!! I think a tribute is in order.

  3. I was in the dog run when it broke.. heard a loud crack that sounded like thunder.. but no, it was a tree branch. We didn't see anyone nearby do it seemed to have fallen on its own, though probably from previous stress.


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