Thursday, November 17, 2011

East Village rape suspect held on $100,000 bail

[DNAInfo/Ben Fractenberg]

A Manhattan Criminal Court judge ordered the man accused of trying to rape a First Avenue resident early Sunday morning held in lieu of a $100,000 bail during his arraignment yesterday, according to various media reports.

DNAinfo reported that 35-year-old Imre Meszesan, a Hungarian citizen, works as a laborer. DNAinfo also has photos from yesterday's arraignment (top).

The Post reported that police arrested Meszesan in a Suffolk County store four months ago for allegedly exposing himself.



  1. this is one of those times when the over-security camming of the city makes perfect sense.

  2. I saw the victim of this dirtball on the news last night -- but it feels weird to call her a victim because she seriously kicks ass! I'm proud to call you neighbor, girl! Thanks for being brave and fighting back, to get at least one degenerate off our streets.

  3. Be careful out there ladies! If possible have a friend walk you home on those late party nights in the neighborhood.

  4. What a scumbug. I hope he gets serious jail time for this. And good for the kick ass girl who fought him off.

  5. Yay, the scumbag pervert is behind bars! Thank you to the woman who fought back, the person who installed the security cam, and the person who recognized the perv and turned him into the police. All of those measures will prevent the piece o' shit from ever attacking another woman.

  6. 10:35, Maybe instead of telling "ladies" to be careful, you could start telling dudes not to be predatory pervs. We all already know to be careful and to try not to walk home alone late at night, whether or not we are "partying."

  7. LvV, your points are noted but the commenter obviously had his/her heart in the right place so how about you chill out just a tad?

  8. we could all use less pervs. but always being aware of your surroundings is a good idea, whether it's protecting yourself from rapey type dudes or simply not walking into people while texting on the sidewalk.

  9. Of course Abrod, but the thing is, women have been told this a million times. It's tiresome to hear and rather victim-blaming. We are still attacked even when we are sober, when we are with a friend, when we are not texting or wearing headphones, when we are "being careful," etc. There is no evidence that the woman in this case was not aware of her surroundings (or that she was partying, for that matter).

    12:09, forgive me for not being "chill" about potentially violent attackers. Since you obviously know what the original commenter's intent was, it might not be so difficult for you to also extrapolate why I reacted as I did.

    Not trying to start a fight. I am simply tired of people always telling women to be careful. We need to start telling perverts and attackers to cut this shit out, or else.

  10. @LvV- Unfortunately, not all women are as careful as they could be.. and being in danger constantly is not their fault but being cautious is a good way to avoid problems. Unfortunately, telling a perv not to be a perv is pretty impossible. However, reminding women to be careful is not. I'm not saying it's her fault but the woman didn't check to see if the door fully closed behind her. In this case, being more careful could have helped.

  11. Women should be careful out there, since there is no cure for being a perv yet.

  12. This guy is not so tough without his bicycle, huh?

  13. LvV- It's interesting that you think the solution is telling pervs to just cut it out.
    It's a little more complicated than that, and if it was as easy as telling pervs to just stop, it would have stopped long ago.
    You seem to think that guys like Imre are just regular guys who decided to start raping women.
    He is a seriously dysfunctional individual, and telling him to stop won't make him stop.

  14. LvV - I'm not saying only women should be aware of their surroundings. Everyone should be, same as they breathe the air around them. I find it interesting that you label my suggestion as "victim-blaming" though... It troubles me that something so simple would be cast as condescending and sexist.

  15. "go f*ck yourselves trolls" is not exactly exemplary of social and moral advancement. Please, let's keep this discussion (and all others) civil?

  16. Interesting. I've never been called a misogynist before. Hahhahaha!

  17. Abrod: When I said "tiresome to hear and rather victim-blaming" I was pretty clearly referring to the generic (and inevitable) message of "ladies need to be careful!" It *is* condescending and sexist, IMO, but if you want to take that personally, that's on you, not me.

    Anon 1:39: "It's interesting that you think the solution is telling pervs to just cut it out. It's a little more complicated than that."

    Thanks for clearing that up for my feeble girl-brain. :p

    Actually, telling pervs "stop harassing women" is probably just as effective as dumbly saying to women "BE CAREFUL AND YOU WON'T GET RAPED!!" There are many things people much much smarter than me have written about eradicating rape culture should you care to look into it. (You also totally ignored the threat part of my comment: cut it out, or else.)

    Lindsay, I don't think Glamma was talking to you b/c you haven't commented anywhere else in this thread. If you are the anon I responded to in the first place, I apologize, because I always enjoy your posts (and would have had context for that comment).

    Glamma, thanks for being my Cookie Mueller of the day :)

  18. LvV, fair enough if you'd like to split hairs between saying "ladies need to be careful" and "everyone should always know what's going on around them." I don't consider "everyone" to be a sexist term. (I wasn't the one who said ladies! Promise.)

    However, I'm not going to back away. People get their iThings swiped on the subway because they're not paying attention. I've seen people nearly get hit by buses because they weren't paying attention.

    It may be beside the point, but I think arguing that people shouldn't have to pay attention to their surroundings further proves the want for the Disneyfication of this city. This is not a theme park; there are deranged people out there, and no amount of repetition will get some strange dude to think that maybe he ought not to go after some woman. In cases like these, it's best to take steps to protect oneself, whether it's someone protecting themselves against sexual assault or being mugged etc.

  19. "I wasn't the one who said ladies! Promise."

    I know that. I basically just said that. And I don't disagree with any of your other commonsense statements.

  20. all right then, just making sure about the whole ladies/sexist thing since it bothered you.

    (This is also possibly the first anonymous internet argument that was settled like adults, and without any mention of Nazis.)

  21. Hey, Glamma - good on you for what you said about (human) women, but bad on you for dragging the dinosaurs into it. There's no evidence that dinosaurs were misogynistic (for heaven's sake, half of them were female!), so don't go ragging on them.

  22. I'm anon 1:01 ahhaha! Accidentally posted as Anon. Hilarious! Funny how people are, huh? Nothing wrong with telling women or ANYONE to be more careful! Chill out a bit. Just scroll to the bottom of this page and look at the woman passed out on the stairs. I see stuff like that all of the time!! Women be careful!! There are predators out there and we have to take every precaution we can. We ALL have to watch our backs and each other's backs. Sorry if that makes me a misogynist or a troll.. BAHAHA!!

    Anon 6:02- thank you! haha Ya, I have a little context haha! I appreciate it!

  23. There should really be a Godwin's-type law in regard to how quickly misogyny is thrown out in an internet conversation hahaha!!

  24. "...go f*ck yourselves, trolls. spew your vomit elsewhere. this website is for people who are socially and morally advanced..."

    Glamma need not partake in civil, rational conversation because Glamma is a member of the anointed, can't you see?! Discourse is unnecessary, the anointed know what's best.

  25. I'm with you LvV - I too am tired of that "be more careful" mantra which sounds like telling women that they can legitimately avoid being raped if they were more careful. It just doesn't work that way. If someone is looking to attack you, they will find your moment of weakness.

    If it's true that the woman didn't pull the door shut behind her, then possibly the door was recently broken and she didn't realize that it no longer closed itself? In such case I would blame the whole building for not complaining immediately to the LL to fix it. In my building there are workers and realtors who constantly prop the front door open and I am the only one who argues with them about the safety of it. Nobody else seems to understand the consequences, or they are too afraid to confront these men. Telling the residents to be more careful is not going to make them realize they have to be vigilant about the front door - they just don't get it.

    After I was assaulted every single person I told asked me what I was doing in the place where I was, as though I had asked for it. If I had stayed inside it wouldn't have happened, which is technically true. It's crazy talk to think that by venturing outside at night I got what I deserved. If I had been more careful that gun might have been pointed at someone else, only if I actually wasn't there, which would have been much more careful to live the life of a hermit.

    Or, perhaps, young women today feel unusually safe and need to be reminded to be careful and vigilant? I can also accept that as possible, but not a particularly strong message that they will hear.

    This is what LvV was trying to say - women know to be careful. That's not useful. Something like - carry a gun and know how to use it and be prepared to use it, or take a really good self-defense class so you know how to kill someone who attacks you is much more useful advice.

    I do recommend that every woman take a self defense class designed specifically for women and learn techniques of what to do if a gun is aimed at your face, among other things. It may help you make good decisions when you most need it.

  26. Thank you, Jill. I'm so sorry you were assaulted, whenever it was. But I knew you to be a cool chick ever since I went to a Westbrook tenants meeting and you loudly said to your companion that there were clearly Westbrook spies in the house (hay, I was overdressed for work!) but then your pen ran out of ink and I loaned you one and you saw I was not a spy/jerk, just a tall-ass girl in fancy boots. And I love your blog!

    ATTN pervs, I am not gonna "Chill out a bit," if anything I'm gonna get even more Valerie Solanas on yr asses.

  27. LvV I have no recollection of that moment, but from your description I am sure I was just jealous of your boots. And your height. Thanks for the pen. I hope I didn't chew the end, as often happens when pens are entrusted to me.

  28. @Jill - people were blaming you for being assaulted because they didn't want to admit (to themselves) that they could have been in the same position. There's an awful lot of luck in this world, bad as well as good, but people like to believe that if they behave themselves, then nothing bad will happen to them.

    Random assaults from random creeps disturb their equilibrium, so they attempt to use magical reasoning to deflect the fault onto you and thereby protect themselves.

    Any cruelty towards you is gratuitous, of course, but it would be fair to think of them as self-absorbed jerks.

  29. Naw Jill, I was truly tickled to be thought of as "The Man" until I produced a pen (and yes you returned it, and unchewed) ... I always carry a extra pen! People need to write sh*t down, ha ha. xoxo


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