Monday, November 14, 2011

The sandwiches of JoeDough, opening tomorrow

The husband-and-wife team behind JoeDoe on East First Street are opening their gourmet sandwich shop at 135 First Avenue tomorrow, according to write ups today at Thrillist and Daily Candy.

Among their sandwiches:

The After-School Special: White bread topped with mustard, fried bologna and chips
The Conflicted Jew: Chicken liver and onions with bacon on challah bread.

Daily Candy notes that they will sell eight sandwiches and one daily special ... each sandwich goes for $10. They will also be making six-foot party subs.


  1. Ten bucks for a bologna sandwich? You get them for free in jail, but they don't give you any chips. I guess that's the tipping point. Plus you can't leave when you're done with the sandwich.

  2. Subway is starting to sound good about now.

  3. This had better be locally sourced Wonder Bread, bologna, and chips! I demand faux-quality and ridiculous buzzwords with my gross-sounding, overpriced sandwiches!


  5. Ever see their puffy, fabric, ottoman-style seats in the day light? VILE!!! Stained all over with god-knows-what. They put them out on the curb in the day time so it's natural one would think they are trash.. and then I see the same seats being used as the outdoor seating?? Seriously makes me want to puke.

  6. Joe Doe doesn't have outdoor seating, Anon.

  7. Arthur, I'm referring to the sole table set-up under the window to the left of the door.


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