Thursday, December 8, 2011

DOH temporarily kloses Kabin on Second Avenue

Ev Grieve reader John passes along these shots from outside Kabin on Second Avenue near Fifth Street last night ...

According to the DOH website, the bar was hit with 61 violation points during the last inspection on Nov. 21 (a grade was pending). The DOH hasn't posted the most recent inspection ... dated yesterday, per the flyer.


  1. Is it me or is the DOH closing down A LOT of places? Is less money flowing into inspectors' pockets? Has there been some kind of shake up at the DOH? Is it the real estate lobby? Bloomberg? The Masons?

    I can't believe that it is just a case of renewed diligence on the part of the DOH.


  2. totally agree. they seem to be shamelessly targeting long-established businesses. there are massive hidden agendas at work in this city. bad sh*t.

  3. Why is Kabin's phone temporarily disconnected? Is there more to this?

  4. Glamma, you need to a take a chill pill. Maybe the DOH has their shit together and is finally doing a decent fucken job of closing/fining miscreants? Can you name this hidden finger that has unleashed all of these zomby inspectors? If you cant then maybe you need to get some help.

  5. Glamma is absolutely dead on! As a owner in this industry I know from experience the new letter grade system an a in many cases might as well =shake down. A lot of the A's are bought. The DOH has inspected and fined so much and frequently that eventually a lot of the places get closed. They then have to pay crazy money to reopen. A whole new realm of lawyers has emerged that get paid to fight violations for you when you use to be able to plea your own case. I have heard a few owners speak up about this, but I really wish the NY media would get into it. I see reports on the overwhelming number of A's and yet no one questions further. It would be good if it was for sanitation sake, but there are times when you are inspected and there is no way you can pass. They will find something.


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