Wednesday, December 7, 2011

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[14th Street at First Avenue]

Remember the Sahara Hotel on 14th Street and Third Avenue (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Big plans for 255 East Houston (BoweryBoogie)

Security cameras coming to Campos Plaza (The Lo-Down)

How about Zachary Taylor then?: P.S. 63 on East Third Street gets OK to dump William McKinley name (DNAinfo)

Video of the Farmers March from the East Village to Liberty Plaza Sunday (GammaBlog)

New Bond Street sandwich shop will pursue liquor license regardless of what neighbors think (Grub Street)

A look at the 23,000-square-foot Apple store in Grand Central (Gothamist)

And this is making the rounds now, so you may have seen it ... kindergarten students in South Korea sing the Ramones...


  1. Nature v. Nurture

    Do you think that the kids were taught to pogo or is that just the instinctual reaction to hearing the Ramones?

  2. I was wondering the same thing about the pogoing that randall. I'd like to think it just naturally happens, that's a great video!

  3. Little kids bopping and shouting to Ramones music...who would've thought it but yet it makes perfect sense.

  4. OMG @ 255 East Houston.. please, please keep us informed on this one.. i hope to make the next meeting to protest the SH*T out of this!!! this outragreous and illegal practice must be stopped. what a nightmare!

  5. and just fyi, mickey leigh doesn't like it and I don't blame him one bit! sacrilege!

  6. That video is precious, like a preschool CBGB. It has it all: rad dudes in ringer tees, stoner hair-shaking, proto-hipsters who are too cool to dance and just stand there looking bored, and my personal favorite, the three bettys in front holding hands and screaming every word. Punk rock really does make the world a better place.

  7. @ randall said -- not for nothing but "pogo" dancing is typical of the Masai --

    I seem to recall some old film of Ray Charles "dancing" in a pogo like fashion back in the day. Which would be pretty amazing, considering he couldn't see how other people danced, and just moved in a way that seemed naturally right.

    Love those little punk rocking kids.

  8. love it. I teach preschool dance so maybe I'll throw in some punk and we can do a receital at Manitoba's!


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