Friday, December 9, 2011

Gutting continues at 315 E. 10th St.

This morning, we reported that Ben Shaoul had purchased The Educational Alliance building at 315 E. 10th St. ... big plans in the works here — conversion to residential, and maybe, just maybe — an additional floor ... Meanwhile, as Dave on 7th notes, the gut renovation continues this afternoon...


  1. i hope they don't add another floor, we live right next door and that would block my smoking view a bit. at least on the other side of us the new owner of that building took down that hideous arch thing. hated that for years and it attracted really lame tourists and rats.

  2. Surprised they haven't tried to buy up that block and turn the whole thing into an evil super-coop with a *world class gym, *children's playroom, and *rooftop deck with telescopes to view the scary degenerates loafing in the (tragically) public park...m

  3. I thought that whole block was landmarked- and in that case, I don't believe they can add a floor without a great deal of trouble. let's hope so.


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