Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hawk watch

Among other things, it was a great day for hawk watching in Tompkins Square Park... where Bobby Williams reports that there were four different red-tailed hawks at times... and they were not playing nice...


  1. you are awesome Bobby!

  2. I was lucky enough to tag along for this hawkstravaganza - truly amazing. And, a big thanks to Bobby for pointing them out when I couldn't see. What an unexpected Christmas gift.

  3. "Not playing nice"
    ...Yeah, like there's not enough rats to go around. Sheesh! Where's their christmas spirit?

  4. Cool! I guess Tommy or Evie were kicking some young interloper rascals out of their territory. There's a Cooper's Hawk that's been hanging with the adults. I wonder if he was part of the action.

  5. roger paw.....coopers hawk was there and was chased out. coopers seemed to be at peace with park hawk but that seemed to end on xmas. park hawk chased her out today.(tuesday). Bobby.


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