Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Duke's is gone

After our post on Monday about Duke's on Avenue C ... several readers confirmed that the neighborhood bar near East Eight Street closed at the beginning of the year. A walk by yesterday confirms this: The signs had been removed; and workers have started taking down the bar...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Has Duke's closed?


  1. NOOOOOOOOO!!! had some great times there

  2. Aside from Banjo Jim's, this was the only decent bar on Avenue C. Bedlam? Summit? The Waylaid? Forget it.

  3. First Joe's Now Duke's - I guess I'll be spending way more time at TenEleven & Coal Yard....

  4. :-(

    All I can muster is...

  5. What a shame, and such a loss for this part of the neighborhood. Anyone have an idea or insight as to what will become of the space?


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