Friday, January 6, 2012

Marshal seizes Furry Land Pet Supplies on Avenue A

EV Grieve reader FlatFoot passes along word that the marshal has seized Furry Land Pet Supplies on Avenue A between 12th Street and 13th Street...

Per FlatFoot: "Mustafa (Mike) the owner had been a really great neighbor and I bought all of my pet supplies from him. He also took in unwanted kittens and found homes for them. A loss to the neighborhood."

Neighborhood kids always seemed to like the birds out front...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]


  1. What a loss, Mike is a such a great guy and the animals out front and in the store (kittens and birds) always added such a great touch to that block. Such a great place to buy pet supplies.

  2. This is awful. Mike loved cats and, as the tipster says, would adopt strays and find them new homes. I remember because I would always visit my favorite, a little tabby girl named Leela, and one day she was gone because someone in StuyTown had adopted her. People would sit out front and pet the kittens and watch them climb the tree.

    Why is everything closing? :(

  3. LvV, the store isn't closing but was seized by the marshall. Seems like maybe Mustafa was up to shenanigans. Hope not. Sounds like he was so helpful to our four-legged friends.

  4. Is there a possibility of re-opening? When there's a seizure, does it mean there are some taxes owed?

    I love this place, too. :(

  5. ANON-It looks like a rent issue, as the sign says the Landlord now has possession. I understand the landlord of that building has been doing some shady dealings, but par for the course for this neighborhood

  6. Might not be over, let's wait and see, and +1 on Mike being a great neighbor!

  7. Nothing personal against anyone who runs the store, but as someone a few blocks away from here who owns budgies (like the parakeets he kept outside and who i always stopped to look at...) i can tell you that these birds looked ILL and neglected. The food cups were not cleaned regularly and were consistently filled with waste . the cage was overcrowded and the birds showed sign of illness. Most people are ignorant about birds, and it always broke my heart to see families stop to admire what clearly looked like neglected animals.

  8. I tried contacting the SPCA about those birds in front of the store, but they never did anything. He had them out there in the middle of that insane heat wave, baking in the sun. It was awful. Just a gimmick to get people in the store.


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