After reading one of our 3,897 Mars Bar-related posts the other day... a reader noted that some of the bar's wood will be used in a design competition titled 12 x 12, in which 12 designers create pieces of furniture out of reclaimed wood from different sites around New York.
Per the 12 x 12 website:
12 x 12 supplies twelve contemporary furniture designers with the reclaimed wood of 12 demolished New York City buildings. The exhibit, planned for the Spring 2012 Design Week, celebrates some of the city's best furniture design, supports wood shop job training in under served communities and advocates for increased lumber reclamation at demolition sites in New York City. Through the exhibition, the material culture of a lost building is renewed by contemporary design that sustains the historical culture of a specific site.
The site gives a rundown on all 12 properties where the wood originated, ranging from a horse stable on East 75th Street that belonged to Joseph Pulitzer to the Coney Island Boardwalk to Atlas Meats in the Meatpacking District. (Find that direct link here.)
From the Mars Bar, the site notes that someone rescued the following: "Antique Eastern Spruce and Vintage Yellow Pine flooring."
Ah, yes. Vintage.

i'm not sure how to feel about this, but my first thought is "ick."
sounds like a new museum event to me.
locavore and artisinal
That photo by Slum Goddess is a classic Mars moment!
Is that Kevin Federline?
@Liberation: Ha ha ha! Nice one!
Does anyone know the significance (if any) of the diagonal floorboards? I always thought it was unusual and wondered if that was a standard building style of a particular time or if it meant anything at all.
Sweet Jerry Price! I am proud to have my name carved on that bar. This post is anonymous.
Oh man..Naked Guy lives on! What a night that was..
Man. That's a sweet pink shirt that dude's wearing. Looks like a popped collar and all.
Belly up to the bar.
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