Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Breaking: Starbucks sign has arrived on First Avenue

Happening right now on First Avenue at Third Street...

Via EV Grieve reader Steph....

Any guesses when it will open, get tagged?


  1. The only thing worse than this is the Nathan's / Arthur Treacher's opening up a few doors down where King Gyro closed up shop. Soon enough, we will have our very own food court here on 1st avenue. Sigh.

  2. Ugh, remember when it was "Little Ricky's" and painted all cool and colorful? Now it's beige....there's a metaphor in there somewhere.

  3. Tagged? Bring back "the splasher"!

  4. More importantly, when will that Starbucks become like this one?

  5. dude, not for nothing but Nathans is a NYC tradition. Not sure why anyone would see it as a sign of the apocalypse.

    and arthur treachers? I thought they went under like 30 yrs ago?

  6. @esquared That's better than the one in Union Square which basically functions as a methadone clinic / homeless shelter.

  7. @LIBERATION caffeine is the new methadone or heroin

  8. @Anonymous 4:05 PM: I think it was Arthur himself who went under like 30 years ago. His battered fish live on in his memory.

  9. "...and now, here's the dear boy himself, Meeeer-vin!"

    BTW, Arthur died in 1975 at age 81.

    And while Nathan's certainly is a NY tradition, the product no longer tastes anywhere as good as it once did.

  10. Can we all just agree not to patronize the damn place?

    And just encourage everyone we know to go elsewhere for their fix?

  11. yes !!! im so excited about this !!! ive never been to starbucks. i can't ever find one.

  12. You just know the first CD for sale at the register will be Lana Del Rey's because, after all, she is the "gangsta Nancy Sinatra."

    And speaking of things I'd like to see at the bottom of a well, I was watching Silence of The Lambs tonight and noticed a striking similarity between Lana's singing voice and Buffalo Bill's speaking voice.

  13. Ken from Ken's KitchenFebruary 16, 2012 at 12:07 PM

    hey, a Starbucks looks just like its coffee tastes: bitter and burnt.

  14. I don't give a shit. I love Starbucks. I don't need attitude with my morning coffee.

  15. I distinctly recall when I was but a youngin in the 80s, that teens were not allowed to buy coffee unless it was for their parents ( i remember being asked--is this for you or your parents), i even recall a city-wide movement to prevent young teens from buying it. they though caffeine was bad for kids back then. somehwere along the way that went away and now you see 12 year olds buying it.

  16. burnt and bitter -- story of my life


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