Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A forest grows on Avenue A

East Village-based artist Scooter LaForge has been painting a scene outside Tompkins Square Bagels on Avenue A near East 10th Street... which includes a red-tailed hawk... (and a cat)

Photos by Stacie Joy.


  1. I love that places like The Bean and now Tompkins Square Bagels are making the EV LOOK like the EV again and hiring local artists to do the work. We need to see more of this!

  2. A small ray of sunshine beams through

  3. wow thanks for posting.. I LOVE that the east village art scene is coming up again... it takes really driven people like Scooter LaForge to get it going again.

  4. I agree, great to see local artists work in businesses and shops!

  5. I love it, especially the cat in the stripey sweater. :)

    Also LOL'ing at the chalkboard sign:

    Home of the World Famous CHITTLE

    So jealous, Shawn!

  6. A kitty cat AND a red-tailed hawk!!! YAY!!!!

  7. I am very grateful to Mr Laforge for doing this work. We're a new place with a long way to go before becoming profitable and Scooter was willing to work within our very modest budget. I had gotten to know Scooter a tiny bit just from his visits to the shop. After he agreed to do my window , I researched his background and realized what a big deal of an artist he really is. At one point I asked him ' Why the heck are you doing this!? I mean, we are really small time in comparison to stuff you've done.' He just said he lived in the neighborhood, liked the place, and wanted to help us get going.' I've gotten to meet a lot of great people these past 2 months and can say with confidence that there is a spirit and a sense of community among the people here in the East Village that is unlike any other part of NYC. It's just incredible.

  8. Ken from Ken's KitchenFebruary 8, 2012 at 11:37 AM

    More windows with painted names and graphics please!

  9. This is great. And, I have to say, the bagel shop has been a bright spot in an otherwise pretty depressing year. It's something most everyone likes and they are obviously supportive of the community. I don't even eat bread...yet I can't help myself when it comes to the bagels - fantastic!

  10. I don't know if there is one but I nominate Chris P (aka Bagel Guy) as LES business owner of the year!

    He can bring sunshine to even the most gloomiest of days in our neighborhood. This is just part of the antidote to the rampant over-commercialism and destruction of LES history and culture. Just another reason why the LES is the MOST BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOOD IN NYC!

    Thanks Chris and Scooter!

  11. Agree with Chittle. Bagel Guy for EV MVP!


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