Friday, February 17, 2012

Is this the final Starbucks sign on First Avenue?

Marjorie Ingall sends along this photo from First Avenue and East Third Street ... She asks a fine question: Is this signage temporary or will Starbucks keep the stenciled look for that rebellious East Village feel?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today's sign of the apocalypse: Starbucks taking over The Bean's space on First Avenue and Third Street


  1. "Edgy"... But would customers complain "what happened to your sign? Where's the real sign?"... I say let's see! Would be nice for a change to do something unexpected and in keeping with the surroundings. One can only hope :)

  2. The bricks for this space were cut with heavy machinery and stored in the courtyard of 120 East 4th St. That courtyard was and is, used as a staging ground for other Ben Shaoul /Fortune East LLC construction projects, breaking all the permit rules.

  3. omg - - - another Starbucks !!!!!

    stop it already

  4. It definitely looks permanent. I wonder if this is part of their re-branding efforts.

    In Seattle, they experimented with opening 'stealth stores' under the name 15th Ave Coffee and Tea. They idea was to make them appear as small boutique shops with a neighborhood appropriate feel. The 15th Ave Coffee and Tea brand was a failure in Seattle but perhaps this the next iteration of their concept - keep the brand name but change the look the look to something less obnoxious.

  5. This starbucks has made a somewhat anti-corporate chain hater out of me - but then, that would happen to anyone who shut down my favorite coffee shop.

  6. let's all take turns throwing one rock per night through a window of this starbucks.

    they can't arrest us ALL, right?

  7. @anon 2:36 PM

    I think you nailed it.

  8. They want us to think that they've hired local artist to hand paint that sign. Let's just be glad they didn't try their hand at mosaics!

  9. And to think, one short block away on 2nd Avenue is The Bean! Have I mentioned how much I love their iced tea? ;) I suggest everyone try some! And you can see what a fine job the Mosiac Man did with their sign!

    Sorry Starbucks, you don't get my money. Suck it.

  10. it's hard to find a good cup of coffee without a long line, and it's hard to find a bathroom you can use even when your a paying customer, this alone is reason enough to support Starbucks.

    however some Starbucks locations have taken the labels off their bathrooms and keep them locked all day long. :-(

    The bean was one of the few places that always had a bathroom available, however their coffee wasn't any good. I went to their new location last month and found a line going through the whole coffee shop, so I exited quickly and made a bee line for the starbucks which hadn't opened yet :-(

  11. Prefer Starbucks over Bean, no attitude and pretentious baristas. The Bean's baristas claim to be artists and are only nice to the good looking people. They're just serving coffee but have a better than you attitude. And Starbucks started out just like the Bean, until they expanded. Wait until Bean becomes a chain.


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