Monday, February 6, 2012

RIP Connie Bush

There's a memorial for Connie Bush outside 220 E. Fourth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B. Bush, the director of the Cornelia Connelly Center, died last Monday after a battle with breast cancer. She was 57.

She co-founded the school for girls from low-income families back in 1993.

Per her obituary:

Connie played with the Bronx Symphony Orchestra and traveled to Europe each winter to play violin with the Manhattan String Quartet. She spent weeks each summer cooking meals for 82 girls and counselors at the Camp Holy Child in Lake Placid, NY; and frequently sped back to Northeast Pennsylvania after working a seventy hour week to prepare a gourmet dinner complete with Martha Stewart accompaniments for her family.

You can read more about her life and work here.


  1. R.I.P to the woman but that place has no respect for the many surrounding neighbors... after years of repeated complaints from various neighbors they've done nothing to quell the shrieking and screaming of students, closing the door from them singing Katy Perry songs repeatedly, etc.

  2. They're just kids. It's happens in every neighborhood near a school. I'm sure the administrators have tried asking them not to shout or sing.

  3. R.I.P Ms. Bush <3 I loved her with all my heart. She was an amazing person who helped me whenever I needed it. I was a student and I am so happy I had the privilege of meeting such a great, kind hearted person; A saint. I am so thankful to her. The last moment I saw her was in Skype right before I graduated, I felt so glad that she was able to see me and help me grow into a young lady. May she rest in peace.


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