Saturday, February 11, 2012


10 a.m. or so on East Houston near the Bowery.


  1. They should use this as the photo for when you look up, "overkill" in the dictionary.

  2. They need to bust these things out to clean up the yack after Santacon!

  3. *Someone's* gotta scrap the scum off the streets.

  4. Bloomberg overcompensating from last year's snow storm. He overcompensates for everything, like his insecurity, thus the ambition for power and money.

  5. I guess I've been enjoying EVGrieve for about 4 years now (I know....a late-comer)and of course enjoying the second to NONE on the 'net commenters. And there is something I have ALWAYS wanted to do; but I was either not quick enough, or was on a system that was technologically challenged (I'm in the FAR north some of the time). So now that I have a chance, I'm going to take it:

    Is that Lady Gaga drivin' that plow?

    With three of her Little Monsters cheering her on?


    (I KNOW that some of the EVGrievets will rag on me for not doing this on the first comment.....but I don' care).....I'm RIPPIN' my clothes off as we speak, grabbin' the bottle of Jack, and if you need me I'll be leapin' around the back 40 with Lucy the dog.....yessir.....HOT time in the old town TONIGHT! YAHOOOOOO!!!

  6. @DrBOP I mistook the fire hydrant for Lady Gaga at first but thanks to your sharp eye I believe she IS illegally parking this plow. Good catch!

  7. @DrBOP: For those of you about to Lady Gaga, we salute you!

  8. the buses had chains on yesterday, I'm surprised Boozeburg didn't shut down the MTA beginning Friday night, in the name of safety of course.


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