Monday, February 6, 2012

Tough day for an already-dead rat in Tompkins Square Park

Bobby Williams, who took the photos, notes that the rat was already dead when our friend ate him...


  1. Love the squirrel looking on in the top shot!

  2. The obvious question here is; was the rat killed by the hawk or did Hawkie just happen upon it. cuz I sure hope it wasn't a poisoned rat.

  3. It's common for hawks to return to rat leftovers (prey it killed a day or so earlier). That's what I hope happened in this case! The Washington Square Park red-tails I follow and photograph usually leave their leftovers on wide branches to fetch later. This rat may have been on a branch but slipped to the ground.

  4. "usually leave their leftovers on wide branches to fetch later."

    Like Leopards of the sky! Wouldn’t it be so cool if a great horned owl pair (recent reports may have them nesting in Greenwood Cemetery and Inwood Hill Park) nested in TSP as well. Then we could have 24/7 rat kill EV Grieve coverage in TSP. Does Bobby have night vision equipment?

  5. Except that great horned owls also eat hawks (seriously). I guess they taste just like chicken.

  6. thanks for all the RTHawk pics, 'hawk picture taking person'! i am so totally thrilled that a RTHawk is in TSPark - who'd a thunk that such a small piece of pauvre nature could sustain one.


  7. i don't think there are any GHOwls in TSPark.

    btw, GHOwls also eat other owls.



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