Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Evening, 2012

Photos by Matt LES_Miserable.


  1. Just buy something other than roses, which suffer ridiculously inflated prices on this day, besides being such an obvious cliché.

    - East Villager

  2. Don't normally say mean things, but: poster above- stfu. If you are going to say such things,!have at least a blush of irony. Jesus. Is this what we've come to.

  3. lol, Matt. Now you kiss and make up with anonymous 9:14!!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. must buy roses
    must feel romantic
    must follow hive mind

    this is the most ham-fisted of all corporate holidays. Every "v-day" I get the douche chills seeing how unabashedly conformist people are.

  5. Seemed like good advice to me. You can express affection just as well with other flowers, after all. Or in other ways altogether.

    - Isaac

  6. "Miserable" indeed!

    Best wishes,
    - East Villager

  7. The line was like this from 3PM to at least 9PM. Frozen roses ahoy!

  8. What did my mentor, Al Bundy, do for V Day? Back in HS, when Al was romantic:
    “I love your Hooters, I love your ass, let’s say we meet after class.”



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