Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Workers making a pit stop at incoming Karl Fischer-designed building on East 12th Street

When we last looked in on 427 E. 12th St., the future home of a six-level Karl Fischer-designed apartment building, workers had planted some support braces in the pit to help prop up its neighbor to the west...

Now, as EV Grieve reader Greg Masters notes in these photos, work is under way ...

This spot had been dormant for several years.

Meanwhile, according to the DOB, a caller on Feb. 10 says that the construction "has caused damage to phone lines at 429 E. 12th St. and cracks in bathroom walls."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Karl Fischer designing new East 12th Street residence

1 comment:

  1. this construction is a disaster for all around it... so loud and starts very early in the am with workers shouting and loud machines... so frustrating!


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