Monday, March 12, 2012

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[Weekend Stompers yesterday on Second Avenue]

The Lower East Side mistaken identity murder (Gothamist)

A new security system at 120 E. Fourth St. (Occupy East Fourth Street)

Velvet Underground & Nico turns 45 today (Westword)

'STAMPEDED' on East Second Street (The Lo-Down)

Q-and-A with a counter man at First & First Finest Deli (Racked)

More nightlife for Ludlow below Delancey (Crain's New York)

About the art fair at the Comfort Inn on Ludlow (ArtInfo)

Downtown diner Roxy Luncheonette in danger of closing (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Remembering Jack Kerouac on his birthday (Off the Grid)

Real-time NYC map app (Runnin' Scared)

Calvin Klein ad attracts anti-bulge notes on the Bowery (BoweryBoogie)

History of the Blarney Stone bars (Ephemeral New York)


  1. is this the line for madonna tickets

  2. that Stomp line is out of control. i walked by it this weekend and everyone had to walk in the bike lane just to get down the block. those people come in by the busload.

  3. Stomp is a well-done show, at least when I saw it a decade ago (twice, in fact, with two different versions of the cast). More power to them if they can keep the success going.

    As for the sidewalk congestion problem, let's not blame Stomp for that. Let's have the sidewalks widened. The Avenues aren't as problematic as the numbered streets in the in the East Village, though, where there is often no space to pass another person past the garbage sculptures, parking meters, magazine racks, mailboxes, and mobile-phone zombies...

    - East Villager

  4. crains link doesn't work


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