Monday, March 5, 2012

Extra lights for Extra Place

The looooooooooooongtime makeover of Extra Place enters its fifth year... Workers just added new strands of lights over the former alley...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

(And has anyone seen my catering van that I left parked somewhere?)

And later...

Meanwhile, just noting that Scott James, the Boston-based menswear brand that opened on East First Street in late October, has moved on ...

Apparently it was only supposed to be a pop-up shop... which closed up at the end of January.


  1. I like those lights actually, gives it a little flavor.

  2. The lower-height street lights are beautiful. They create a sense of intimacy and make the city feel more welcoming to pedestrians. The highway lights that are on most NYC streets, in contrast, make the streets feel alienating to pedestrians, and more like...highways.

    Wasn't there a city-wide competition and program to redesign and replace all the streetlights?

    - East Villager


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