Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meanwhile, for no reason, in Times Square

From a very special correspondent who wanted to keep haunting us with Smurfs.


  1. Smurf or reject from the Blue Man Group: You Make The Call! Or is it...Lady Gaga?

  2. Sorry but to me this picture just makes me think "kick to the groin". What is this nonsense, the latest bar-crawl?

  3. Not a bar-crawl, buskers.

    They (smurf and elmo) are regulars in the Times Square-Herald Square districts. They do a little dance to pass the time, then run up to little children to shake their hands and be friendly. After the parents take a picture of dazed happy child with the cartoon character of choice, that black bag gets opened for "donations".

    Mini-Disney for the tourists, equal parts cute and cynical. You really need to get out more.


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