Thursday, March 1, 2012

On the March CB3/SLA docket: 200 Avenue A (again) and Bikinis (woo!)

Hey now. The CB3/SLA agenda for March is out...

First, the details: Monday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. — JASA/Green Residence, 200 E. Fifth St. at Bowery.

As you can see, we circled one of the applicants — something called Bikinis slated for 56 Avenue C. We have no idea what this is all about. (And 56 Avenue C is two storefronts as far as we can remember ... Nublu Records and an empty space?)

Woo! Bikinis! This could keep us in posts for the next, oh, 18 months... However, the name and concept might not have anything to do with swimwear.


A few other items of note:

Corporate Change

• Luzzo's (Luzzo's 211 LLC), 211 1st Ave (op)


Applications within Resolution Areas

• Yong Fa Restaurant Inc, 507 E 6th St (wb)

This is the former 6th Street Kitchen space, which never reopened after that awful fire in Janaury 2011. The space had been for rent. One neighborhood told us they heard it would be "an Asian fusion" restaurant.

• San Matteo Panuozzeria E Birra (San Matteo Panuozzeria Inc), 121 St Marks Pl (b)

[File photo of 200 Avenue A]

• Ave A Hospitality LLC, 200 Ave A (op)

They're back! Good lord. The one-time home to Superdive... This is a little complicated... A group calling themselves Hospitality LLC with a concept for an "art gallery with a full-service restaurant" (smell machine!) concept has appeared before and been rejected by the CB3/SLA committee three times. The group then decided to go directly to the State Liquor Authority for its license. Read the background here.

• Bikinis, 56 Ave C (wb)


• Babel, 129 Ave C (op)

• 116 Avenue C Restaurant LLC, 116 Ave C (op)

The former Lava Gina space.

• Drop Off Service, 211 Ave A (op)



• Prime & Beyond (Prime & Beyond NY Inc), 90 E 10th St (wb/extend to backyard)

By the way, has anyone ever eaten here?

• Wechslers (Eichstatt LLC), 120 1st Ave (wb/extend to backyard)

Oh! The part of the backyard that used to belong to the International...

New Liquor License Applications

• Hotel East Houston (Soho New York Lodging LLC), 151 E Houston St (op)

This is the hotel for sale at Eldridge. The marketing materials say the roof would be a good place for a bar. Neighbors likely have another opinion.

• Village Grill 82 Inc, 202 2nd Ave (wb)

Not sure where 202 Second Ave. is... the Verizon Building is 204; the Little Pakistan Deli and Little Poland are 200 Second Ave.

• Sahara Citi, 137 E 13th St (wb)

This is an empty storefront on the north side of the street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue. Near the Cruises.

• Iconic Hand Rolls (IHR One LLC), 83 St Marks Pl aka 135 1st Ave (wb)

Quite a name! Of course, we thought it said Ironic Hand Rolls at first. Anyway, this must be the empty storefront next to JoeDoe...

• Angelica Kitchen Inc, 300 E 12th St (wb)


b=beer only | wb=wine & beer only | op=liquor, wine, & beer | alt=alterations |up=upgrades


  1. $50 says Bikinis is a bar where the bartenders wear 'em. Man I'm glad I don't live on C

  2. Iconic Hand Rolls (IHR One LLC), 83 St Marks Pl aka 135 1st Ave (wb)

    tried to find out who this guy is and what these iconic items are.
    there is a patent for iconic hand rolls, and some strange information on the guy? david ravvin.
    one of which is: "Phone : 604-986-9355. For more detailed information click each counselling professionals name to the left (in blue). David Ravvin, M.A. RCC. David Ravvin

    not looking forward to this one

  3. Dear "Ave A Hospitality LLC 200"

    You kidder, you! Hahahahaha.

    See you at the meeting.

  4. What falls under "Applications within Resolution Areas"? I like Drop Off Service because they have great beers and an awesome happy hour every day (and next door to the deli that sells great tacos).

  5. Poor Orchard St. - 6 different applications! I feel sorry for anyone who lives on that street.

  6. I have no bones with Wechsler's - and International seems to do a good job of keeping the garden closed/noise down at night.

  7. absolutely terrified of bikinis.

    to echo shawn - see you at the meeting.

  8. i am on my knees praying that bikinis will be a waxing salon that serves liquor.
    hey that's not such a bad idea

  9. Iconic Hand Rolls? Someone has set the bar awfully high.

  10. Really 200 Ave A Hospitality? REALLY? I think this neighborhood has had enough BS from bars at that address for, oh, I don't know, the next 20 years or so. Why can't something that doesn't require a liquor license open here?

  11. Re 200 Ave A, this is the classic story of how a bar simply will remain a bar after the first liquor license is approved. It is the ultimate warning story of how we got in the position we are in with 10 bars per block when the SLA has set the threshold at 3 (a completely useless rule that is never actually taken seriously.)

    The SLA will always renew with exceptions few and far, far between. The only way they won't renew is if there were many, many illegal activities on premises, and even then, they will usually renew, which allows the owner to sell the license to the next guy. They also allow a license to stay in play even when the premises is not operating as long as the owner keeps paying the renewal fees every 2 years, with no expiration or limitation. So you might think a bar that has been closed for 4 or 10 years has to start from the beginning getting licensed, but it doesn't.

    This one stays in play because the landlord is investing heavily to keep this a bar so he can get the big rent, and his lawyer is suing the SLA over their denial of the renewal. The SLA doesn't think they will win based on some technicality of the law, so they will likely allow the renewal, again and again and forever.


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