Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stringer issues conditional approval for NYU's 2031 expansion plans

From the EV Grieve inbox ... a news release following Stringer's 11 a.m. press conference...

April 11, 2012, New York, NY – Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer today issued conditional approval for New York University’s (NYU) 2031 core campus expansion plan. In developing his Charter-mandated Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) recommendation, Stringer secured major commitments to and mitigations for the project, which include a significant overall density reduction; designation and preservation of public-strips as parkland; elimination of a temporary gymnasium on the site of two community playgrounds; elimination of proposed dormitories on the Bleecker Building; and an affirmation of NYU’s commitment to provide space for a K-8 school.

“Today I am proud to announce my conditional approval of one of the most significant university expansion plans in our City’s recent history,” Borough President Stringer said. “This blueprint is the culmination of an unprecedented, five-year planning process launched by my office—a model for future growth that strikes a balance between a great university’s need to grow and the importance of preserving Greenwich Village’s distinctive, historic character. There was nothing easy about this: Everyone had to give up something. No one got everything they wanted. But at the end of the day, I am pleased that we came to a resolution in the best interests of the City, Greenwich Village and the University.”

"This is a good and important step, and a recognition that universities need to grow to maintain excellence and that strong universities are important to keeping our city strong," said NYU President John Sexton. “The agreement we have reached, which comes after five years of deep involvement with the Borough President and committed efforts by him, will enable NYU to meet the long-term academic space needs of its faculty and students while being sensitive to the concerns of our surrounding community. We understand that the public review process involves many stakeholders, and we look forward to working with the City Planning Commission and the City Council to secure their support in the coming months."

There's more. Oh God, so much more. You can go here for the whole release/statement.

Reaction from the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation (via The Real Deal):

"This is really just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," said GVSHP Executive Director Andrew Berman. "A slight decrease in the size of a few buildings does not change the fact that this massive plan is fundamentally wrong for the Village, wrong for New York City, and wrong for NYU, as evidenced by the growing chorus of resolutions from NYU faculty departments opposing the plan."


  1. I hope no one actually thought the administration would reject a proposal from the mighty NYU.
    NYU is not just a school, it is a major real estate development corporation, and as such, will get what it wants in Bloomberg's New York.
    I hate it, but I didn't think they would be rejected. Not by a long shot.

  2. the more transients the better is the Boozeburg zeitgeist - they don't vote and don't demand resources like welfare or assisted-rides...hell NYU doesn't even register its buses in New York. Let's subsidize these bastards more!

  3. WTF
    Come on people this needs to be protested in a major way
    more jane, less marc!

    p.s. scott, you totally sold us out, not COOL, bro!!

  4. we can all re-group in greenpoint. :|

  5. Vote the bum out. Trader !

  6. Springer is a tool. Bill de Blasio for Mayor!

  7. Boooooo! Besides NYU, who in the community supported this? Oh wait, no one.


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