Thursday, June 21, 2012

2 East Village streetscenes this morning

St. Mark's Place...

[Shawn Chittle]

Avenue A...

[Dave on 7th]


  1. First photo..w/t/f..what are they looking at??

  2. Photo 1: "Noodles? Frozen yogurt? Where the hell is Electric Circus!?"

  3. I kind of love these crazy white folks in the first photo, with their bird-watching 'tude and sensible shoes. They are so ... outsider. :p

  4. Dave on 7th captured a timeless photograph.

    1970? 1980? 1990? 2000? 2012? Absolutely timeless.

    Kudos, sir. Convert it to black and white and frame that sucker!

    1. Thank you Shawn. Just trying to get in touch with my inner Bob.


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