Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All is well in air-conditioning land along East Seventh Street

Here's a slightly belated follow-up post on the situation at 140-150 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and Avenue B... As we reported last May 10 ... to address leaks, the landlords were going to seal up the wall sleeves for air conditioners ... and were asking residents to purchase window units (which the landlord will kick in $200 for...)

Several residents were quite unhappy with this situation. (Read our post here for all the background.)

Meanwhile! A resident provides an update: "All is fine in air conditioning land, but the scaffolding will be up for a while longer while they repoint and replace the AC sleeves."

Here's the latest missive from the landlords...

[Click image to enlarge]

Another six months for the scaffolding? Down in time for the holiday season!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Why there could be a long, hot summer at 140-150 E. Seventh St.

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