Monday, June 18, 2012

Help find this East Village resident's stolen artwork

[One of the missing paintings]

A reader asked us to share this information (pulled from the Voice classifieds)

Please help!
My car was broken into on the morning of Wednesday, June 13th and a vintage green "Amelia Earhart" suitcase was stolen!

Sadly, this suitcase was FILLED with all of my paintings that I was going to hang in a show!

I believe the suitcase was discarded on the street shortly after the theft & one by one all the paintings were taken by passersby. (The car was parked on East 12th street between A & B.)

The paintings have on the back.

Please, if you have seen any paintings or know of their whereabouts please contact me!
email: or call 646.567.0348

I am heartbroken over their loss!


  1. I feel bad for the victim but who leaves such valuables in a car???? The car was broken into in the morning... so was the suitcase in the car overnight?

  2. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.June 18, 2012 at 3:53 PM

    Not for nothing but you can't blame the artist. If he was hanging an ENTIRE show, he may not want to have emptied his car only to repack the whole thing in the morning. It's not like he left a Rolex hanging from his rear view mirror.

    I really hope the work is recovered. I'd feel violated by the universe if someone stole my body of work.

  3. Ugh, devastating.

  4. Yeah that really sucks, cool stuff too, from the pics.


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