Monday, June 11, 2012

A Nicoletta for every window

Just noting that the signs are in the window now for Nicoletta, the incoming, high-endish pizzeria on Second Avenue at 10th Street ...

The place reportedly opens Friday, per Diner's Journal...

Details from Diner's Journal on Thursday:

[Chef Michael White] will serve 12- and 16-inch pies to eat in or take out. The tables in the restaurant, a high-ceilinged box in wood and brick with 62 seats inside and 38 on the sidewalk, are fitted with little metal sockets in which the stems of cantilevered pizza stands are placed, so a pizza does not take up table space.

Last month, CB3 OK'd a sidewalk cafe totaling 17 tables and 37 seats split between Second Avenue and 10th Street. Expect a mob out there this summer.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Cafe Centosette closes on Second Avenue

Former Cafe Centosette space becoming a fancy-pants pizza place


  1. This will be great, I stopped going out for pizza because I was so fed up with the pizza taking up table space. Thats why I don't go out for lobster, hamburgers or nachos, either. I'm fed up with them taking up table space. So I am looking forward to trying out thier pizza.

  2. Cantilever? Is that French for 'crane'?

  3. 38 seats on the sidewalk? WTF. The corner is already so congested nevermind the car fumes and horn honking. High end indeed!

  4. Why don't they also attach a couple of mini-"bendy things" to the cantilever with plates on the end of them.....

    .....and just get rid of the tables altogether!

    (Mr. Wizard would be sooooo proud of me.)


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