Tuesday, August 14, 2012

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

Looking at the ruins of 185-191 Bowery (BoweryBoogie)

A brownstone is neutered on East 12th Street (Off the Grid)

An update on the new Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) (The Villager)

Take a subway ride from Union Square to Coney Island in 1987 (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

More about the Ruff Club (for dogs) opening at 34 Avenue A (DNAinfo)

More on the 7-Eleven drama at Seward Park (The Lo-Down)

New Yorkers becoming heavier (Gothamist)

Fantastic photo of Debbie Harry in front of CBGB (Flaming Pablum)

Noted: Bourgeois Pig now selling wine spritzers on tap (Grub Street)

Maserati owner leaves car idling, unattended in Times Square. Guess what happens next? (Runnin' Scared)

WPIX was the lone media outlet outside 116 Avenue C this morning... where a woman was violently robbed last Saturday... here is the WPIX report.

[Photo by Matt LES_Miserable]

And this morning, Chico started work on a new mural in the backyard space at Tompkins Square Bagels on Avenue A at East 10th Street...

[Photo by Shawn Chittle]


  1. Love this shop owner. As local as it gets!
    That's some fuckin L.E.S heart right there.

    We out here!

  2. I can't wait to see that mural at Tompkins Square Bagels!

  3. I don't know Chico personally, though I did have to walk through one his murals (Doc Holliday's) to get to my apartment at 442 East 9th Street for 10 years. Is it just me or is he a pretty mediocre artist? I mean, he's celebrated on EV Grieve like he's the Banksy of the East Village. For a community that was once celebrated for it's collection of artistically inclined residents, can't we do a little bit better than this? Just my opinion... feel free to disagree.

  4. The artists are now in on the gentrification. It's sad, really sad. This is not guerilla art from back in the day.

    There's nothing you can do with ignorance. I give up.

  5. That's a bizarre comment anon 3:50. I'm 42 and Chico is pushing 50. Chico did his time pushing the envelope/running from the cops! Nobody said this was supposed to be guerilla art here at TSB. It's about honoring a guy that I looked towards when I was a kid growing up in NYC. It's about not forgetting the people who held their ground and made NYC beautiful while others were fleeing for the suburbs. There are plenty of youngsters still here that can keep guerilla/subversive/underground art alive. It's their turn now. They have stronger , quicker legs. And, they're doing a good job of it. If you haven't seen any it's probably because your looking with closed eyes/mind.

  6. MORUS will just gentrify us more, so it doesn't surprise me that Rosie Mendez gave them over $3,000.

    Rosie Mendez has not staged one press conference in this town against predatory landlords. She takes money from all of the people who are destroying the hood. She supports the NYU expansion plan and came in at the end to push for the SPURA plan. It's not even in her fucking district. It's just politics and debt. That is public land. She has been aggressive by being passive and submissive to people on the community board who have deliberately ravaged our neighborhood. It continues too. Why?

  7. I don't like the back yard. I face the back and now have to hear screaming babies on Saturday morning.

    Chico did the mural for Horus. Horus is a nightmare just like every other establishment in the hood.

    Chico needs to do some research before he decides to support a group or business.

    Ignorance is bliss!

  8. @BagelGuy - Are your bagels where you want them to be quality wise? I've been over several times on the weekends and I have to say they are better than your generic deli/store bagels but the crust isn't quite crisp and chewy enough. Is this because I'm going on the weekends and the bagels are being pulled from the oven early? Are you still working out kinks? I would love to be able to get a great bagel just steps from my apartment but TSB just isn't great, pretty good, though.

  9. Chico helped give Loisaida an identity. If you want French wheat paste art - move along. Chico also helped make bombing a legit form of art and made a living at it. Helped turn it from tagging to real beauty. His murals remind me a bit of Lee, but he still has his own style. It's vintage but contemporary. Not easy to pull off.

    Chris Puglese, owner of Tompkins Square Bagels is the reason I still live here. As long as there are business owners that have heart, give back, support and respect the local culture, and can still make a buck off the gentrifiers - I have hope.


  10. Jesus Fucking Christ do we have to shit on every new place that opens in the last 40 years that isn't the Peace Eye Bookstore?

    That shit isn't coming back. Ever. We need to embrace the few places in the neighborhood that are trying to be decent neighborhood places. There's not much left. Hating everything is pointless.

  11. @Jeff - your comment is definitely justified as I used to think the same way also. But I noticed that throughout the years, instead of jumping on the street art fad bandwagon, he'd stuck with the community, and continues to give back to his community that's been supporting him and his art all along. For that, he gets my respect; unlike others around walking around with stickers and stamppads. It's also inspiring to see his work improves with each piece. He may not be featured juxtapose magazine but I'm proud to have him represent LES and EV as an artist.


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