Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let's take a look inside McSorley's on Aug. 1, 1970

And outside... two protestors from NOW ...

Women were not allowed in McSorley's until Aug. 10, 1970.

[Photos via a reader via JP Laffont/Sygma/CORBIS]


  1. Prior to that date, WBAI's Electra Rewired, NY's first Women's Liberation Call-In show (MONDAY NIGHTS
    till dawn) did a walk in to the pub.

    Nanette Rainone, Feminist Activist and Radio Show host entered the establishment and was ejected - causing N.O.W. to 'liberate' the joint.

    I know because I worked as the air-check engineer in WBAI's studio back then.

  2. I can see why women wanted to get inside — to get a catch like that fellow in the middle with 5 empty mugs!

  3. Thats Daddy,If u see him send him home, his dinner ready

  4. The good old days. Damn women's lib always putting their oars in and ruining a good thing.

  5. the reason they never wanted women there was because they didn't like cleaning the joint, which women expected, and the men liked to be foulmouthed, which women didn't like. these days, women are dirty and foul mouthed themselves do there's no need to keep them out of these dumps.

  6. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.August 1, 2012 at 11:58 AM

    They'd have been luck if they wore bikinis. KIDDING! :)

  7. Great photos, personally I'm glad they caved and let women in. If you want to have the best McSorley's experience go on a weekday between noon and 3PM. And get the cheese and cracker platter, I might go there now!

  8. I can remember after they allowed women to enter they had to decide what to do about bathrooms. Back then it was just one; a Men's room also used by women. It took a while to get used to seeing a female come out of a stall while standing at the urinal

  9. The place is still only 10% broads whenever I walk by. Good thing they won that battle.

  10. Are you sure? as even Drag - Kings are welcome nowadays....


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