Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Reader report: Smell of smoke, and, maybe, a missing snake on East Fifth Street

A reader sent along these photos these evening... noting that the FDNY responded to a call at 225 E. Fifth St. ...

... a firefighter said that a resident had smelled smoke...

... meanwhile, during all this, the man outside was yelling, looking for his snake. was ultimately a false alarm... the only damage were the two broken front doors at No. 225 ... Don't know about the snake.


  1. Now we know what the red tailed hawk had for dinner :)

  2. Is that guy on dust?

  3. Wasn’t this guy in Woody Allen’s “What Up Tiger Lily”. I know, showing my age.
    Around 36.14 in.

    I have been mainlining EV Grieve lately, I need to go to Re-Hab.

  4. are you sure that is not Donald the chicken man setting up his soup stand once again?.

  5. I told you guys about my parents snake story from Brooklyn Heights in the 70s right? Short story, they found a 6ft albino python in their bathtub, get a scotch or two in my Dad, and he can add the artistic flourishes.

  6. So. Duane Allman is still alive? Way to bury the lede.

  7. You usually see that snake guy clomping around the east village making weird noises and eating chuckles

    Might video him next time I see him

  8. @ randall: You beat me to the comment, I thought of Duanne Allman also. This guy looks like he is no stranger to "Smoke"

  9. This dude is looking for his snake, his shirt and the 1970's.

  10. @Cap't Hindsight

    You made me laugh out loud.

  11. that last picture. didn't realize they were filming an episode of The Walking Dead in the EV. cool.

  12. I think you may recognize him, He did play with Whie Zombie and is a popular painter.

  13. Who is he? rob zombie?


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