Monday, September 10, 2012

7-Eleven now giving its regards to Broadway!

Hey, the 7-Eleven that we first reported on here back in February (and almost the same headline!) on Broadway at East 12th Street opened Friday...


Meanwhile, have you noticed how much trash piles up outside the 7-Eleven on St. Mark's Place?

Anyway, the Axis of 11 is alive and well with four now around here... with more on the way, wouldn't you think?


  1. The proliferation of 7-11's is deeply disappointing. The end is near. Welcome to Anytown USA!!!

  2. I long for the days when we were actually wistful for Slurpees because they were very difficult to obtain.

    I don't find 7-11 offensive, actually. It's a store, and it's certainly nicer and less seedy than most bodegas, and they take debit cards (and sometimes function as an cheap ATM in a pinch).

    What I have a problem with is anyone who does any real shopping at 7-11. Those kind of people need to be deported out of the Northeastern US. Even Jersey is too-close-for-comfort for that kind of trash. Please eat your shriveled hot dogs and corn syrup confections at least 500 miles away from here, thx.

  3. On the good news front, I saw the first 7-11 rip off! I'm not disclosing the location in case 7-11 is reading this blog and will go hunt the transgressors down.


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